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Oceans 7 Challenge

In 2019 I fell in love with Ocean swimming when we completed the English Channel.
I am now continuing the quest to conquer the Seven Seas! More precisely, I am accelerating my goal of completing the Oceans 7 Challenge.
It's a marathon swimming challenge consisting of seven open water channel swims. It includes the English Channel, the Molokai Channel, the Catalina Channel, the North Channel, the Tsugaru Strait,  the Strait of Gibraltar and the Cook Strait.
The journey so far…we have conquered 4 of the Oceans 7 swims. It has been amazing. 
We have met so many incredible people. As well as visiting so many incredible parts of the world, we have raised over  $900,000 (AUD) to help find a cure for cancer. To add, we have also worked hard building awareness around living and eating healthily. We have also been focused on simply encouraging people to proactively undertake health checks. There is no better cure than simple prevention.
Sarah, my wife is now over 3 years into her battle with Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. This means cancer presented in her lungs, parts of her skeleton, thyroid and brain. Since that day in September 2020, life in the Eade household has been very different. So…I swim to make a difference.
There is so so much more work to do, to not only raise money to continue to accelerate the fight against the disease, but equally importantly, to raise AWARENESS!

Thoughts to Gibraltar

After a testing week in Hawaii, I'm going to take some time to really sit in this. The Ka'iwi Channel is incredible. As I have said in my blog, meeting her was a true honour.

We left Hawaii soon after the attempt. To be honest, I haven't stopped thinking about her. The sheer size, her moods, a magnificence and  beauty like no other in the world! 

What does all this mean? Well, right now I want to go away and think about The Ka'iwi Channel and all her mystique.  I feel like I need to get to understand her better. One thing that I felt in Hawaii this trip was the presence of a spirituality that I have never felt in Hawaii before. I left feeling a real desire to spend more time in Hawaii. Do I crew for Captain Mike Twigg-Smith and a swimmer? Do I take some time to understand more about the deep cultural veins that run through Hawaii and it's people?


So, for now, I need to also quickly pivot and start planning and preparing for The Gibraltar Channel. We are scheduled to be there on May 12.


As we have come to expect, Gibraltar has it's own unique idiosyncrasies.  Even though it is the shortest of the seven channels, she absolutely demands respect. The currents and winds are a challenge for even the most proficient channel swimmer. We will also swim the channel in a pod of 4...a unique and 'sanctioned' characteristic of Gibraltar. Given the hight demands to swim Gibraltar, this enables the organisers to in part meet demand.


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