Oceans 7 Challenge
In 2019 I fell in love with Ocean swimming when we completed the English Channel.
I am now continuing the quest to conquer the Seven Seas! More precisely, I am accelerating my goal of completing the Oceans 7 Challenge.
It's a marathon swimming challenge consisting of seven open water channel swims. It includes the English Channel, the Molokai Channel, the Catalina Channel, the North Channel, the Tsugaru Strait, the Strait of Gibraltar and the Cook Strait.
The journey so far…we have conquered 5 of the Oceans 7 swims. It has been amazing.
We have met so many incredible people. As well as visiting so many incredible parts of the world, we have raised over $900,000 (AUD) to help find a cure for cancer. To add, we have also worked hard building awareness around living and eating healthily. We have also been focused on simply encouraging people to proactively undertake health checks. There is no better cure than simple prevention.
Sarah, my wife is now over 3.5 years into her battle with Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. This means cancer presented in her lungs, parts of her skeleton, thyroid and brain. Since that day in September 2020, life in the Eade household has been very different. So…I swim to make a difference.
There is so so much more work to do, to not only raise money to continue to accelerate the fight against the disease, but equally importantly, to raise AWARENESS!
Hawaii 2.0, Here we GO!
​​​Righto. It's time.
We have quietly been bringing together all the elements in order to be take our learnings and experiences from Molokai attempt #1 and go back! If you are new to my O7 journey, we attempted and failed to complete the Ka'iwi Channel on April 9 this year. The experience was tough. Failure always is.
Hawaii for me was an incredibly spiritual experience. A beautiful place with incredible people.
What were our learnings back in April? There were so many. Logistics, being comfortable in the unique environment of the Islands...understanding the plan that the crew(Both mine and that of the locals onboard) would execute.
In addition, since September last year really, we have also been dealing with a number of over-use injuries and strains, not at all unusual when you are covering the milage that we are. We have needed to address those in order to ensure they are not a factor in November.
Much much more to come in the 180 days to follow! Let's go!
Thank you for supporting the difference we are trying to make in the world. I'm excited to keep Channeling A Cause!
How can you not be romantic about ocean swimming? :-)
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