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Updated: Dec 18, 2018

Welcome to my very first BLOG post!

What a 10 days it has been! Sarah and I have already been through a lot! We have; agreed to take this challenge on together, aligned with my coach and guide Chloe McCardel (More about Chloe later) on a date and secured her to be on the Pilot boat, decided on a charity as well as a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) of $100,000! We are going to raise money for an Immune Oncology Research program for Children, in association with my good friend Geoff and the team at Tour de Cure in Australia!

I have also begun the task of summonsing the best possible team that I can to be on the boat. Of course Sarah will stand alongside Chloe. As well, I am excited to welcome Peter Bocquet to the team. No one knows 'endurance' quite like Pistol Pete!

I really want to thank Dr Rohit and the great team from the Harley Street Heart Centre here in Singapore for giving me a full inspection. I think it was nice for the team to have a fun project for a change. Thanks ladies! You do a great job!

I'm in Bangalore right now and just posted a session in the 23m (!) Conrad Hotel pool.

Now the hard work and training begins!

See you soon!

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